What URL resolver and ResolveURL actually do is to decode file hosts and scrape from the webpage the video that is directly playable on Kodi media player.fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository.Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) is the non-profit entity that operates the Let's Encrypt certificate authority. URL Resolver takes over the process as it has coding that allows it to navigate through these hosts. Warning: This OID repository is a kind of wiki where any user can add information about any OID (pending validation by the OID repository admin), but this OID repository is not an official registration authority for OIDs, so an OID can only be described in this OID repository if it has been officially allocated by the registration authority of its parent OID. Click the open box icon at the top of the menu bar. Url resolver repo 2020 This page was last edited on 29 August 2020, at 23:27.